Who We Are
Laura Totin Codori, Founder and CEO
My Pap-Pap said I could grow up to be anything, so I became a worm farmer. Worm Return keeps food scraps out of landfills and makes beneficial soil amendments in the process.
Photo courtesy of Jen Barker Worley Photography
What We Do
Worm Return takes the dirty work out of composting; for both residential and commercial diversion partners.
Video Credit: Every year Bridges Film Co. selects a company that’s doing good in the world and develops a brief documentary about the impact they’re making. Worm Return was honored to be selected by them in 2023.
Worm Return is an award-winning, woman-owned, socially responsible organic material diversion company providing composting services to the City of Pittsburgh and beyond. Our goal is to keep food scraps out of landfills and create soil amendments high in nutrients and valuable microbial life in the process. Founded by life-long environmentalist, Laura Totin Codori, Worm Return has been diverting food scraps from the landfill since January 2018. Our goal is to educate the public that Organic Material + Landfills = Greenhouse Gases! When organic (think once living) material ends up in a landfill, it is commonly believed that the discards will decompose and not take up space in the landfill. What people don't realize, including myself up until a few years ago is that, yes, the material does disappear. But we need to remember that little piece of high school science that taught us energy cannot be created or destroyed. When things such as food scraps decompose in a landfill without the presence of oxygen, the scraps "disappear" into methane gas - a colorless, odorless gas up to 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide. While the process of composting reduces methane emissions, the resulting compost can actually work to capture some of the carbon dioxide that is already present in the atmosphere.